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This qualification is designed to provide the theory of electrical engineering the practical component of study is offered in our fully equipped training centre and must be followed in an external workplace. Electrical trade theory n2 electrical trade theory n1 electrical trade theory n1 pdf download download n1 electrical trade theory electrical trade theory question papers n1 neither free trade nor protection. N1 electrical trade theory last question papers pdf the ultimate sales letter will provide you a distinctive book to overcome you life to. Electricians may be equipped in the installation of new electrical components or the maintenance and repair of existing electrical infrastructure, domestic andor businesses. Read and download ebook n1 electrical trade theory exam papers pdf at public ebook library n1 electrical trade theory exam papers pdf download. Nov 09, 2014 tesla institute school of electrical engineering 19,605 views 39. The subjects covered in this course include mathematics n1, engineering science n1, industrial electronics n1, and electrical trade theory n1. Microsoft word n1 electrical trade theory april 2016. On this page you can read or download motor trade theory n1 study guide in pdf format.
Microsoft word n1 electrical trade theory april 2016 memorandum. This module focuses on wiring, domestic appliances, lighting, transformers and electromagnetism, among other topics. Electrical trade theory educate students regarding electrical wiring of buildings, stationary machines and related equipment. N2 electrical trade theory question paper and memorandum. Please select below folders, where you can access previous exam papers that have been grouped per subject. Electrical engineering n1 to n6 vuselela fet college.
In 50% of the question papers, the marking guideline was correct, a decrease of 17% from the previous examination. N2 auto electrical trade theory exam papers author. Light current includes fields such as digital electronics and industrial electronics. If you want to get the files immediately we advise you to choose the payfast payment option. Engineering studies n1n6 south west gauteng tvet college. N2 electrical trade theory question papers three single phase transformers are connected in deltastar transformer is used to supply line voltage is 6,6 kv, and the secondary phase voltage is 220 v,calculate the primary phase voltage. Price of the papers at a big discount previous papers are very important in ensuring you pass your final exams. To prepare for your actual electrician exam, these two practice exams by ray holder master electrician and certified electrical trade instructor have 300 questions with.
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